Bird Removal
These animals leave their droppings everywhere. This can damage car paint and spread dangerous diseases. Some bird species attack people who get too close. Others, like woodpeckers, do untold amounts of damage to a building.
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We are licensed and ensured with TPCL #0855418
Working Hours
- Week Days: 05:00 – 22:00
- Saturday: 05:00 – 18:00
- Sunday: CLOSED
Emergency Calls 24/7
(214) 471-5002
How To Do Bird Control?
There are many ways to go about bird control. Some of these methods are more effective than others. Some are legal everywhere, while others require specific permits before they can be done.
1. Exclusion
Exclusion is a great way to remove birds when they are indoors. This method focuses on sealing the pathways the bird uses to get inside and installing one-way doors in their place.
Once the birds leave to gather food, they will be stopped from coming back in. So you simply have to wait until all the birds are gone, then you can permanently block off those pathways.
2. Traps
Trapping birds is both difficult and requires a good understanding of bird species and the law. Depending on where you live and what type of bird you have, you may or may not be able to trap and relocate them.
That is why it is recommended you call professionals like Red Rover Rodent Removal when you want to trap birds. Nuisance wildlife companies will be familiar with the correct procedures and properly remove these animals from around your home or business.
3. Repellents
Many home remedies promise to rid you of all your bird problems, but these items rarely work as intended.
Some remedies include:
- Shiny objects. Items like silver streamers and small mirrors reflect the light and give the illusion of movement.
- Predator statues. Statues of owls, eagles, or cats. These serve as scarecrows.
- Repelling devices. Items like automatic sprinklers, lights, and ultrasonic devices irritate the animals and scare them into fleeing.
- Kitchen items. Things like vinegar and chili peppers are said to irritate birds and overload their senses.
These do not work. Birds quickly get used to these things and will return, so this fails to solve the problem. It is recommended you avoid this and focus on one of the other methods in this list.
4. Bird Spikes
Bird spikes are an excellent option to prevent birds. These pointy objects cause severe discomfort and deter pigeons and other birds, stopping the animals from landing. These are great to place on roofs and other straight surfaces.
5. Bird Netting
Sometimes you need to ensure birds cannot enter an area, so you would use bird netting. These nets make it difficult for these animals to reach what’s underneath, making them especially useful for protecting gardens and plants.
6. Poison And Shooting
It can be tempting to shoot or poison birds to get rid of them, as it seems like the quickest solution. This, however, is not an option because killing birds can be illegal.
Different bird species, locations, and times of the year affect what you can or cannot do. That is why you should contact local authorities to confirm what you can do and to get the necessary legal documents, or simply call a professional to handle the problem for you.
7. Food And Water Removal
Birds spend time near your home or business because there’s food and water nearby. To force them to leave, you should remove any and all sources of food and water.
If you have bird feeders and birdbaths, then you should remove them immediately. They are attracting these animals to the area.
You should also find ways to remove any standing bodies of water near your home, like small puddles.
Finally, you should pick and harvest any fruits and vegetables growing in your garden. The longer you leave these ripened plants, the more likely it is that birds will take them.
Birds aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of nuisance wildlife, but they definitely fit in that category.
Birds are especially problematic for businesses, as their presence can ward off customers. The droppings clash with and tarnish a business’s brand, as well as reduce employee productivity when the birds begin bothering people.
For these reasons and more, it is important to control the bird population and remove them when necessary.
Call Red Rover Rodent Removal
Bird control is a difficult and time-consuming task, so it is recommended that you call professionals to handle the problem.
Here at Red Rover Rodent Removal, we offer excellent bird control services to both residents and businesses throughout the Dallas – Fort Worth area. If you are in the area, be sure to call us at (214) 471-5002 to schedule a free inspection.

How to Stop Birds from Nesting in My Back Porch Awning?
Birds are one of the common critters that inhabit most properties. There are many people who love to watch birds, and many will have bird feeders and bird baths located in their yards. While birds might be fun to watch, they can cause many different problems, particularly when they begin nesting where they are not wanted. Continue reading to learn how to stop birds from nesting in your back porch awning.
What problems do birds cause?
While many birds are very pretty, they are capable of causing some serious problems when they live close to humans. One of the biggest problems with birds is the diseases that they carry. Birds are one of the most diseased animals, and they can easily transmit these diseases to humans through their droppings. These diseases can even stay around on your property long after the droppings appear to be gone, which makes this very dangerous for humans.
In addition to the disease potential, having birds around can cause damage to different materials. This is due to the fact that bird droppings are corrosive and can cause the rapid degradation of a wide variety of materials, particularly metals. This can eventually lead to the failure of metal components. In addition, birds also leave nests in very bad places, particularly near HVAC systems, which can lead to a house fire in some cases. No matter what reason you are worried about, birds should be removed as soon as possible.
Remove Attractants
One common reason that birds might be finding your yard to be a pleasant place to stay is the fact that they are able to find food and shelter around your property. This is especially the case if you have any bird feeders or bird baths in your yard. While you might be hoping to see a certain species of bird in your yard, often these can attract the less desirable birds that will become a nuisance very quickly. In many cases, birds may also be attracted to your property if you do not have your trash secured, have some dead fruit or vegetables around, or if you are actively feeding them. If you cut out any of these attractants, you will likely have fewer problems with birds.
Hire a Professional
One of the best ways to get birds out of your back porch awning is to hire a professional wildlife removal company. Not only will these companies remove birds that are already there, but they will be able to provide you with a variety of solutions to keep birds away permanently. These experts have years of experience in dealing with a wide variety of bird problems, so they would very likely be able to help you with any problems you may have. This might be one of the best investments, as they can even identify other potential problem areas around your home that birds or other nuisance animals could potentially use to find their way in.
Scare Them Away
One tactic that many homeowners commonly employ to keep birds away from their homes, property, and garden is to scare them. This can be done with a variety of methods, but one of the most common is to use a scarecrow. Other common options are to use a decoy of an owl, hawk, coyote, or another predator animal that commonly kills birds. This can even be done with a real dog or cat of your own, so you might not even have to spend any money. Another way to scare birds away is to keep them from roosting by applying roosting spikes to common perched areas around your backyard.