How to Know if You Need Squirrel Removal Services

Detecting the warning signs of a squirrel infestation early allows you to tackle the issue before major property damage is done. But how do you definitively know squirrels have taken up residence in your home and require professional removal services? Here are key indicators:

Strange Noises in Walls, Ceilings, or Attic

The patter of little feet and other chaotic sounds in enclosed spaces often reveal squirrel activity. Once they move in, you’ll hear squirrels scampering about, especially at dawn and dusk when they are most active. Gnawing, scratching, and thumping noises may also occur as they build nests and access entry points. High-pitched chirping indicates juvenile squirrels are present. Take note if noises originate in your walls shared with neighbors – you could be hearing squirrels infiltrating their space, not yours. Nevertheless, shared walls become weak points squirrels exploit to expand their territory.

Spotting Squirrels Entering or Exiting

Visually observing bushy-tailed squirrels sneaking into an opening in your eaves, vents, or attic confirms beyond doubt that you have unwelcome residents. Similarly, actually seeing squirrels leaping from openings or racing across your roof signals an active infestation requiring removal. Make note of exactly where you spot them entering and exiting. This helps pinpoint how they’re accessing your home for the exclusions process.

Nuts and Shells Scattered in Attic

Cracked nut shells, half-eaten acorns, and similar debris scattered around your attic floor provide obvious evidence of squirrel activity. They stash and bury food supplies up there. These food remnants accumulate over time, so heavy littering indicates a long-standing squirrel presence, not just a temporary visitor. Shell pieces can also get embedded in insulation or clog eave gaps. Abundant nut and seed shells are a telltale giveaway that squirrels have laid claim to your attic.

Chewing or Damage at Entry Points

Telltale signs like gnawed holes and wood damage around the exterior signal where squirrels are gaining entrance. Look for small, rough holes they’ve chewed through wooden clapboards or fascia boards. Watch for any openings around loose roof shingles, worn flashing, or gaps where pipes, ducts, and cables penetrate walls. Their sharp teeth make short work of soft materials. Damage around potential access points should raise immediate squirrel removal alarm bells. Don’t ignore gnaw marks – they represent pathways squirrels are exploiting.

Nests or Droppings Indoors

Finding clusters of leaves, twigs, insulation, or other odd debris that form messy nests is a clear indication squirrels have set up residence indoors. Similarly, scattered droppings may appear. Granular and capsule-shaped, their feces are easily distinguished from those of mice or other rodents. Nesting detritus carries diseases and parasites. Droppings allow them to spread contaminants throughout your home. Discovery of this messy evidence warrants immediate professional squirrel exclusion.

Don’t let an infestation go unaddressed once these warning signs appear. The sooner you initiate squirrel removal steps, the less damage they can do. At the first sign of trouble, call professional wildlife control services right away.